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Well done to our year 7 netball team for winning 6-3 tonight 🔥 🏆 starting the season off strong!


🚨 PE ANNOUNCEMENT 🚨 Year 7 boys football training after school is cancelled. ⚽️


Well done to our year 7 and year 9 netball teams tonight in their fixtures against OPA, they showed excellent teamwork and resilience.


Well done to the year 7 girls football team for tonight’s 3-2 win in the Harris Cup! ⚽️ 🔥


Excellent turnout for our last netball training session of the year! Full of Christmas games and prizes! Excited for the new year netball games and training!


🚨YEAR 7 BOYS FOOTBALL🚨 - due to unforeseen circumstances, tomorrow’s year 7 football training will be postponed and will take place on Friday (13th December) instead. This will still take place indoors, so please bring trainers and shin pads.


🚨 Netball Fixtures 🚨 Due to minibus issues tonight’s year 7 & 9 netball games against OPA will be rescheduled for the new year.


Well done to year 7 girls football team. Starting the season off strong with a 7-0 win! 🔥 ⚽️


Year 7/8 girls on the football trip to the emirates are on the way back home. ETA to the academy is 5:30pm traffic dependent.


Seated and ready for kick off at the Emirates! Thank you Lord Harris for the tickets ⚽️


Our year 7/8 girls have arrived at the Emirates for todays game ⚽️


Y7 Christmas markets trip are on the way home. ETA 6.30 - 7pm


HAOC Students having fun learning from .


Well done to our year 8’s on their first game of the season with a 11-4 win 🥳


Some students from years 8 - 10 visited High House Production Park to explore the ideas of costume and stage design. We were lucky enough to see real life set being built, painted and assembled for The Royal Opera house. Then students were able to design their own costumes.


Sixth Form Open Evening – Thursday 21st November 5.00-7.00pm. We are delighted to welcome internal and external students to HAOC for our Sixth Form Open Evening, where you will have the opportunity to meet with staff and current students.


Sixth Form Open Evening – Thursday 21st November 5.00-7.00pm. We are delighted to welcome internal and external students to HAOC for our Sixth Form Open Evening, where you will have the opportunity to meet with staff and current students to find out more about our Sixth Form.


Year 10 drama students have all created wonderful homework based on Drama Practitioners we have been studying this half term. Here are a few excellent examples.


Three of our talented students have had their final Harris in Harmony rehearsal today ahead of next weeks performance! Can not wait to watch them.


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All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Yr 9 Options 2024-2025

Year 9 option selection is an important milestone in every year 9 student’s educational journey. This is the first time your child will make choices on the subjects they would like to continue to learn, which will influence their future educational and career opportunities.

The Academy is committed to ensuring every student can make informed choices and can access the most appropriate Key Stage 4 courses, which will:

  • Provide the best opportunity for academic success and a well-rounded and enjoyable educational experience
  • Provide the best foundation for further and higher education, which often includes continuing into our outstanding Sixth Form
  • Support the pursuit of ambitious career destinations

This webpage provides details on how both parents/carers and staff at the Academy will work to support your child in making their final choices in the coming weeks, as well as details about the upcoming Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 11th March 2024. 

Live Event – Options Information Event

Mrs Tucker and Ms Thompson hosted a live Teams event on Thursday 23rd January which communicated the specifics of all the points mentioned below to ensure everyone was clear on next steps. If you were unable to attend, or would like to review the information again, please click HERE to read the presentation slides.

Selecting options

Students and parents will have the opportunity to complete an online form and select the subjects they wish to study at Key Stage 4. This information will then be used to conduct face-to-face interviews with families at the Options Evening on Wednesday 26th March where students will make their final decisions. Further information, including timings for the evening and a link to the online form will be shared with families nearer the time.

In preparation for selecting options, it is important to read information about the different courses that are on offer and discuss, as a family, what the preferred options are. The options booklet can be found in the link below. 

Yr 9 Options Booklet

The booklet contains the steps in the options process, the constraints of different options, details about every course and some frequently asked questions. Going through the options booklet together will make the next step of parents evening more efficient.

Students will be having their options formalised in the week commencing Monday 2nd June 2025.

Parents’ evening

We will have a parents evening on Tuesday 11th March from 3.40 – 6.40pm.

Appointments will be limited to five minutes and conducted in person. This will be a great opportunity to discuss not only your child’s academic progress but to ask teachers questions regarding the courses at Key Stage 4 and your child’s suitability. As the individual meetings will only be five minutes in duration, we recommend that the conversation is open, frank, and direct. It should focus on three key questions:

  1. What can my child do to better exemplify our academy’s ‘Work Hard’ culture for the rest of the academic year?
  2. What will my child enjoy and find challenging during the Key Stage 4 course / is the Key Stage 4 course the right choice to pursue?
  3. What is needed for my child to excel at the Key Stage 4 course?

Should you have any pastoral or support questions, please send an email in the first instance to the Year 9 Achievement Leader Mrs Tucker via or the pastoral manager Mr Warren via

Careers profile

Throughout Key Stage 3, students will have gained an idea of which subjects they enjoy, achieve best in and would like to continue with. Whilst this is an important factor in selecting option subjects at Key Stage 4, it is also important they make informed choices about the courses they pursue, which will enable them to access courses or apprenticeships once they reach the age of 16. 

We have arranged for students to complete an online career or ‘Unifrog’ questionnaire in school. This will generate an independent profile report, which highlights different areas of interest to them, such as caring for others, working in a scientific or mathematical environment, and jobs which require physical activity. This shows the extent to which these different environments appeal to the students based on the answers they provide and in turn, suggests subjects which will be greatly suited to supporting them to access this career pathway. 

If your child would like to take the ‘Unifrog’ questionnaire early or see the results once they’ve completed it in school, there is a step-by-step guide available by clicking HERE.

Students access the platform by clicking a link in their welcome email, where they create a password and can begin using the platform. They login to Unifrog using their email address and password and they can do so from any computer, tablet, or smartphone. Once they have logged in students click on ‘Personality Profile’ which is a pink box in the middle of the screen. After the quiz is completed, students will be directed to careers that may interest them.

For more information, go to or email Miss Thompson

Taster lessons

We will be offering the opportunity for students to attend voluntary taster lessons in subjects which they will not previously have studied. These include Sociology, Citizenship, Statistics, Business Studies, GCSE PE, BTEC Sport and Religious Education (RE is taught currently as part of our Citizenship and Religious Education (CRE) curriculum rather than a discreet subject on its own). If a student’s Careers profile has suggested one of these subjects, they may wish to sit a taster lesson. These will take place between Monday 10th to Friday 28th February 3.40-4.40pm.

Students have already signed up to these sessions. If your child would like to change sessions or sign up to additional sessions, then please ask them to speak to Mrs Tucker immediately to determine if this is possible. The specific date of each taster session will be communicated to the students at least a week in advance.

Careers Advisor

We have an in-house careers advisor, Mr Milne, who is on hand to provide additional support and guidance on careers. We are currently in the process of arranging small group sessions for students who we feel will most benefit from this supplementary advice. If you have any specific career-based questions, then please do not hesitate to contact Mr Milne via email  Mr Milne will also be on hand during our Year 9 Options interview evening on Wednesday 26th March, to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your continued support in guiding our students through what can feel like quite a big decision and milestone in their young lives. If you have any general questions regarding the process, please email Mrs Tucker, via