My Child at School (MCAS)
MyChildAtSchool is an online portal for parents. MyChildAtSchool links directly to our management information system to provide you with real-time information about your child.
You can access your child’s timetable, classes, attendance records and positive behaviour points. You can also check that the contact information we hold is correct and update this information as necessary. Most importantly, MyChildAtSchool is where you will access your child’s progress reports as these are no longer sent by post.
The portal also provides general information about school and any important announcements.
To use the service go directly to You will then need to enter the following details:
- The school’s unique number: 11825
- Your unique username, which will be supplied to you.
- Your unique password, which will also be supplied to you.
Click HERE to download a full user guide.
We hope MyChildAtSchool assists you in taking an active role in supporting your child’s progress and achievement at the academy.